Open Letter to the Board of Governors
February 6, 2025
June 21st, 2023
This continues to be a busy week of bargaining with UWOFA and the Employer meeting each day. We are pleased by the progress we are making in some areas, but are disappointed to report that we remain far apart in others, most notably any proposals that involve a commitment to maintaining or increasing personnel in the Bargaining Unit.
In the session today the Parties continued to exchange proposals:
UWOFA returned 2 articles and 1 Letter of Understanding
Professional Leave – the parties have agreed to a new accrual timeline for Academic Activity Leaves which allows for Leaves to a maximum of 10 months (previously 9).
Workload – the parties continue to move toward agreement. UWOFA reasserted our language that vacancies shall not increase Member Workload.
LOU Job Descriptions – the parties have agreed on a process to create job descriptions.
The EMPLOYER returned 1 Letter of Understanding
LOU – Annual Planning Process – the parties continue to discuss the relationship between the annual planning process and a Member’s planned activities and contributions.
Related to the LOU – Librarian and Archivist Qualifications, the parties also had a productive discussion about what it would mean to accurately identify and distinguish the roles of librarians and archivists in University documents and communications.