In the Community
UWOFA is an active member of the local and national labour communities, and we are proud to participate in many community events here in London
UWOFA is an active member of the local and national labour communities, and we are proud to participate in many community events here in London.
On campus, UWOFA is involved with the Unity Group of employee unions. This group works to advance our collective interests at Western. The Unity Group is made up of the following campus unions:
UWOSA (Staff Association)
PSAC 610 (Graduate Teaching Assistants and Postdoctoral Researchers)
CUPE 2361 (Facilities Management)
CUPE 2692 (Food Service)
IUOE 772 (Operating Engineers)
OPSEU Local 102 (Campus Police)
The Association is also affiliated with the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA) and the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT), provincial and national organizations that advance the interests of academic staff.
More outreach we’re proud to be a part of…
Academics Without Borders
In 2019, the UWOFA Board of Directors unanimously approved partnering with Western’s Academics Without Borders committee to raise awareness about future opportunities to volunteer with the organization. The initiative provides funded opportunities for faculty members (particularly those on sabbatical leave or recently retired), staff, and administrators to volunteer at universities in low resourced areas of the global south in teaching, curriculum development, and program development.
Founded in 2006 by Steven Davis, a retired Canadian philosophy professor, Academics Without Borders works to help improve universities in the developing world. It is driven by the belief that higher education is a key ingredient in a prosperous, just, sustainable society and is focused on building local capacity at universities that need a bit of help from time to time.
Faculty members are encouraged to submit proposals to Academics Without Borders in cases where they already have contacts or ongoing projects with universities in the global south or other low resource countries.
All UWOFA members – limited duties, limited term, tenure track and emeritus – are eligible to apply for volunteer positions. Academics Without Borders pays for all travel and subsistence costs for volunteers, as well as necessary vaccinations, visas, etc. Stay tuned for announcements about future opportunities, and please email Andrew Botterell at if you have any questions.

Academics Without Borders
In 2019, the UWOFA Board of Directors unanimously approved partnering with Western’s Academics Without Borders committee to raise awareness about future opportunities to volunteer with the organization. The initiative provides funded opportunities for faculty members (particularly those on sabbatical leave or recently retired), staff, and administrators to volunteer at universities in low resourced areas of the global south in teaching, curriculum development, and program development.
Founded in 2006 by Steven Davis, a retired Canadian philosophy professor, Academics Without Borders works to help improve universities in the developing world. It is driven by the belief that higher education is a key ingredient in a prosperous, just, sustainable society and is focused on building local capacity at universities that need a bit of help from time to time.
Faculty members are encouraged to submit proposals to Academics Without Borders in cases where they already have contacts or ongoing projects with universities in the global south or other low resource countries.
All UWOFA members – limited duties, limited term, tenure track and emeritus – are eligible to apply for volunteer positions. Academics Without Borders pays for all travel and subsistence costs for volunteers, as well as necessary vaccinations, visas, etc. Stay tuned for announcements about future opportunities, and please email Andrew Botterell at if you have any questions.
International Women’s Day
UWOFA celebrates International Women’s Day by attending the International Women’s Day Breakfast at the London Convention Centre. The event is held every year in March.
The International Women’s Day Breakfast is an annual fundraiser held in support of the London Abused Women’s Centre.
“UWOFA continues to work to address gender, racial and ethnic disparities among our community of scholars. International Women’s Day is an opportunity for us to pause and reflect on how far we’ve come in the fight for gender equity, and how far we still have to go,” said Ann Bigelow, former UWOFA president. “Please take a moment on this day to reflect on how you can personally contribute to moving us forward on this important issue.”

International Women’s Day
UWOFA celebrates International Women’s Day by attending the International Women’s Day Breakfast at the London Convention Centre. The event is held every year in March.
The International Women’s Day Breakfast is an annual fundraiser held in support of the London Abused Women’s Centre.
“UWOFA continues to work to address gender, racial and ethnic disparities among our community of scholars. International Women’s Day is an opportunity for us to pause and reflect on how far we’ve come in the fight for gender equity, and how far we still have to go,” said Ann Bigelow, former UWOFA president. “Please take a moment on this day to reflect on how you can personally contribute to moving us forward on this important issue.”
Labour Day Picnic
Every year on Labour Day, UWOFA members participate in the London and District Labour Council’s Labour Day Picnic. This fun community event is a great opportunity to celebrate the many contributions unions make to the London community.

Labour Day Picnic
Every year on Labour Day, UWOFA members participate in the London and District Labour Council’s Labour Day Picnic. This fun community event is a great opportunity to celebrate the many contributions unions make to the London community.
Scholars at Risk
In 2019, UWOFA members approved a $30,000 donation over three years to the Scholars at Risk network program at the University of Western Ontario. Members recently voted in favour of a motion to donate another $30,000 over the next three years. UWOFA’s financial contribution is a demonstration of our members’ support for academic colleagues in need of assistance due to perilous circumstances. UWOFA’s contribution goes directly to funding the salaries of scholars hosted by Western.
Established in 2000, Scholars at Risk (SAR) is an international network of post-secondary institutions whose mission is to protect scholars under threat due to the nature of their research and ideas. The majority of scholars chosen for the program come from politically unstable parts of the world where freedom of speech is regularly limited or suppressed. The network promotes academic freedom by arranging academic positions in a safe location at higher education institutions within the SAR network. Positions often take the form of a visiting professor for a period of one year, and include teaching, research, and service responsibilities.
To date, Western has hosted nine scholars. Currently the program is hosting two scholars from Afghanistan: Nasar Shayan in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics and Mirwais Fazli in the Faculties of Information & Media Studies and Law.

Scholars at Risk
In 2019, UWOFA members approved a $30,000 donation over three years to the Scholars at Risk network program at the University of Western Ontario. Members recently voted in favour of a motion to donate another $30,000 over the next three years. UWOFA’s financial contribution is a demonstration of our members’ support for academic colleagues in need of assistance due to perilous circumstances. UWOFA’s contribution goes directly to funding the salaries of scholars hosted by Western.
Established in 2000, Scholars at Risk (SAR) is an international network of post-secondary institutions whose mission is to protect scholars under threat due to the nature of their research and ideas. The majority of scholars chosen for the program come from politically unstable parts of the world where freedom of speech is regularly limited or suppressed. The network promotes academic freedom by arranging academic positions in a safe location at higher education institutions within the SAR network. Positions often take the form of a visiting professor for a period of one year, and include teaching, research, and service responsibilities.
To date, Western has hosted nine scholars. Currently the program is hosting two scholars from Afghanistan: Nasar Shayan in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics and Mirwais Fazli in the Faculties of Information & Media Studies and Law.
London Pride Parade
UWOFA is proud to show its support for LGBT+ rights by marching in the London Pride Parade since 2014.
UWOFA defends the interests of faculty, librarians and archivists at the University of Western Ontario. A proud part of the Western community, the Association strives to achieve an inclusive and equitable working environment free of discrimination.

London Pride Parade
UWOFA is proud to show its support for LGBT+ rights by marching in the London Pride Parade since 2014.
UWOFA defends the interests of faculty, librarians and archivists at the University of Western Ontario. A proud part of the Western community, the Association strives to achieve an inclusive and equitable working environment free of discrimination.
Our work inspires action. Be a part of it.
There is always something going on at UWOFA and we are only as strong as our members’ support. Join the latest campaign. Write for Faculty Times. Learn more about your Collective Agreement and employment rights.